We Make Perfect Solution in Business

Years of Experiences
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Caiku Founders are both Entrepreneur and IT programmer with more than 40 years in business environment. We believe in sharing our experiences and contacts. By assisting new entrepreneurs and realising their dream is our vision. By providing solution to reduce their learning curve is our mission. Caiku Pte Ltd set up to provide a comprehensive online platform for small and medium company that can leverage on the vast experiences and contacts we have accumulated over the years to achieve success and growth wealth. Time is more precious than money, so to spend all the time to run the business is more importance to set up the accounting and administrative works. But the information and record of running the business are equally importance. Caiku IT solution is the answer to the dashboard of your business and your enterprises.

Effective Solution

Cover all aspect of a company starting from set up, records and reports by using friendly IT solution.

Achieve Your Goals

Shortest possible time in setting up your business platform to achieve your goals.

Search Information

Our site provide linkage to Agencies, News and Contacts that reduce searching times and widen your business contact base. 

Free 24/7 Support

Send us your query and requirements. We will revert and get in touch with you.


What We Offer

Business Tools Box

We set up your business foundation. Walk with you while you grow your business.

Business Consultation

We share our business experiences and idea with you.

Business Finance

We advice and recommend solutions for your financial needs.

Wealth Build Up

We guard your wealth while you build you business.

Quality Resources

We share our business and talent contacts with you.

Brand Promotion

We promote your business with our business contacts.

How Do You Start Your Wealth Building Journey with Us

Caiku is a business deskboard  IT solution company.

We provide solutions using software and cloud base integration to increase productivity and sustainability.


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Select A Plan or Talk to Us

Chose the plan that suit you. Talk to us your business requirements and we will provide best possible options or customise a solution.



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Valuable Ideas

We will assist your implementation and continue to provide ideas and solutions while you grow your business.


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Human Resources

We will connect reputable human resource provider to cater for your growth.

We will connect reputable business contacts for your business expansion.


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Budget Friendly

Subscript and join us as member. We will connect the banker, investor to advice and assist you in your business journey.

Why Choose Us

Our aim is to reduce and fast track your business running process.

First Working Process

We provide all you needs for running a business.

Dedicated Team

Dedicated staff or team to hold your hands.


We are always there. Email or Text us when you needs help.

Free Consultation

Send us your request or requirements.

    What You Can Achieve

    Caiku walk with you to reach your targets.

    Become A Successful Business Person

    Caiku is your first choice.

    Reach Your Specific Outcomes

    Caiku is your partner.

    Achieve Your Goals & Aims

    Caiku is your consultant.


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